Wednesday, June 17, 2020

What to do After a Job Interview - Freesumes

What to do After a Job Interview What to do After a Job Interview You thought your job interview went very well. You were very pleased with how you handled yourself and you thought that your interviewer really took to you. But what now? Do you just sit and wait around for them to contact you? Is there anything else you can do that could further improve your chances of landing the job? Well, yes there is something you can do. You can follow up your interview to reiterate and reinforce your interest in the position on offer.Offer your AppreciationFollowing your job interview, you should make the effort to get back in touch with your interviewer. It is not only a nice gesture to thank your interviewer for their time, but it gives you the opportunity create a second positive impression with them. Interviewing job candidates can be a tireless task, so a little appreciation for their efforts can go a long way. Who doesnt like to be thanked and praised, right?Fill in the BlanksAnother good reason to follow up with your interviewer is to give them the c hance to ask you any further questions. It may well be the case that forgot to ask you a key question during your interview, or that they ran out of time, so had to cut your interview short. Re-connecting with your interviewer once they have finished seeing all the job candidates can give them the opportunity to ask you any missing key questions, plus it also refreshes their memory about your interview.Stand out from the CrowdFollowing up your job interview will bring you back to the forefront of your interviewers mind. This is especially helpful when you may have been one of the earliest interviewees in a block of candidates. Doing back to back interviews can often result in early candidates merging into a sea of faces that are hard to distinguish from each other. Making that effort to re-connect after your interview will help to make you stand out from the crowd.How to Follow Up Post-InterviewYou can follow up your interview in a number of different ways. Each way has its own meri t, but which one you choose will depend on the type of interview you had and the sort of company you have applied to. You can use a thank you letter, email, or phone call as a follow up method. Each choice can give you a second chance to reinforce your interest in the job as well as the opportunity to highlight any special skills or qualifications that make you especially suitable for the role.Now that you have had your interview, you are in a unique position to be able to boost your chances of winning a second interview or be offered the job. Thinking back to the key questions you were asked during your interview, you can see what the interviewer was looking for in a candidate. You can use this knowledge to plan out your thank you letter, email or phone call.Say thank you for granting the opportunity of an interview, but weave in comments that help to reinforce your key skills and qualifications that are particularly relevant to the role. So if the interviewer asked you a lot of questions about using CRM software in your current role, you can mention that you appreciated the opportunity to discuss your in-depth knowledge of CRM systems.Build Networking ConnectionsHopefully you would have taken the opportunity to collect business cards from your interviewers. This can be extremely useful for networking purposes and building good relationships with people working within the company.Having these contact details easily at hand will not only allow you to directly contact your interviewer(s) after your interview to personally thank them, but you can also look to see if you can connect with them on LinkedIn.Networking can be a very useful tool to help you in your career. If you have a goal to work for a particular company, then building networking relationships with key personnel within that company through LinkedIn will give you a great advantage should a job vacancy arise. Not only could you find out about a potential job opening before anyone else, but having well established connections with existing staff can also lean in your favour. People like a certain degree of familiarity, so if you go into an interview with established links to the company, you will be looked upon more favourably that an unknown person with none. previous article

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